Exterior view of Co-op Place

Fuel your passion at Co-op Place!

Co-op Place is a venue unlike any other in Medicine Hat and was built to provide the best entertainment for you! 

This community event centre is perfect for large events (500-7000 people), from the extravagant and international (world-class concerts and performances) to the more private and intimate (graduations, conferences and ceremonies) and everything in between. Co-op Place creates exceptional experiences bringing our community together in excitement, energy, connection and celebration.

Events and Tickets

Interior shot of hockey game at Co-op Place

Home of the Medicine Hat Tigers

In 1970, the Medicine Hat Tigers joined the Western Hockey League and today Co-op Place is where you will find them playing on home ice!

We are passionate about serving the avid hockey fans who come to watch the action and ignite community spirit. Co-op Place is proud to be home to the Medicine Hat Tigers, a team and its players that have electrified our public with amazing plays, skillful goals, and incredible saves, not to mention the heritage of Memorial Cups, WHL Championships and Division Titles.

Medicine Hat Tigers website


Annual Growth 

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Active workforce

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Postsecondary educated

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Our Partners

South Country Co-op Logo                  Best Western Premier logo


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